Zur deutschen Fassung der Theorie.

"music and internet"

M + I and RS + PS + PubS in even space and notched space M = music I = internet RS = real space PS = private space PubS = public space even space notched space using the internet as open space in discussing music and internet the general evaluation of a valueless (value free)(not even) thing plays a part as important as discussing weather radio killed peotry. forecast one: soon everything will be a stream -- cable. everything is in it: television, internet, radio, telephone, fax, everything. but then soon it will split again into different interfaces, and sooner or later it will be used the same way as it ever was. here comes how we would like to look at the internet: we develop netcasting, netTV, search engines, etc, etc, actually a plastic porridge version of present media world, separating again and again and again in the end dispense ourselves from the duty of working with a new medium and using it freely. even though mostly by way of negation we try to force our history and tradition into a current-driven plastic device with TV screen and bad loudspeakers. regarding the the general speed of things happening this won't attract anyone. the -- by no means undoable -- process our culture has been encountering is the release of energy................................... the following came to attention: - swiss free radio guy after a kunstradio online performance: i have been interested quite bit but now can't see anything crazy enlightening worth imitating in it these are just ordinary things... - dialogue Mathew Smith/Rupert Huber in a Vienna Wirtshaus: H: ... it isn't actually radio ... how may we call it ... radio being "broadcasting" ... erhh (drinks) S: netcasting! H: well, not casting, indeed, but how may we actually call it?? S: netcasting!! H: all right all right, but what then if not casting? S: (sighing, sipping on his drink) in beeing accelerated every flux and every linear process assumes a strange curvature, catastrophe curve.......................... compute ience is fusing with mi electronics and communica ineering... the diffe ciation of our soci y system demands an ef ient communictio - ucture............................................ sound production (recording ambient sounds or musicians) my be mapped to reality or by the way of symbols (letters, digits, pictures...) in and by time (unlike CDROM, traditional or graphic notation). protecting freedom of information is a central aspect of democracy............................................... life is only to be encountered in particularity, every idea beeing verifiable regarding something..................................... building a compositioin out of particular elements which may be encountered and experienced just as a whole, in the traditional art sense as like regarding general use and the unidirectional experience of man looking at screen. building a house where the burglar is welcome and the arrangements are adjusted for his just as for my own needs i supply you, as it were, not with less but with more than a traditional piece of music. I say thief and think about a comic strip hero, funny guy, at night sneaking into the office where Gaston Lagaffe works all day. He breaks into the office, and suddenly misfortune happens, caused by Gastons pets, his Cactus or just because of the mess.
Stand: 4.07.1997

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